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No ano de �reestreia�, o Minist�rio da Cultura investiu na retomada das pol�ticas de fomento, viu a Lei Rouanet bater recorde de propostas inscritas e come�ou a preparar o pr�ximo passo para 2024, com a inclus�o de obras voltadas � preserva��o de patrim�nio no rol do Programa de Acelera��o do Crescimento
�heran�a bolsonarista�, a oposi��o critica o volume de libera��o de recursos e a centraliza��o dayapokerdistribui��o nas regi�es Sul e Sudeste do pa�s.
Beyonc� no Brasil: entenda a passagem rel�mpago da cantora no pa�s em cinco t�picosVin Diesel: Ator 'nega categoricamente' acusa��o de ass�dio por ex-assistente, diz seu advogadoVin D Diesel, Ator "negar categoric' acusa��es de assed ass�dio, mas ainda foi pouco para as demandas
como o pr�prio governo reconhece:
� A demanda ainda � muito maior do que a gente consegue oferecer. Todo o volume de recursos que t�nhamos a responsabilidade de executar foi disponibilizado � garante o secret�rio-executivo do Minist�rio da Cultura, M�rcio Tavares.
Para o ano que vem, s�o dois os eixos principais: aproveitar o PAC e melhorar a articula��o no Congresso. O Instituto do Patrim�nio Hist�rico e Art�stico (Iphan) selecionou 137 novos projetos para o programa, com o foco na preserva��o do
patrim�nio. Dez deles, por exemplo, est�o em Ouro Preto (MG) e cinco em Olinda (PE).
patRIM�nio�, diz a pasta, em nota, que prev� um investimento de R$ 1,3 bilh�o, dos quais cerca de
A pasta prev� que a retomada de 26 obras inacabadas, como Centros de Arte e Esportes Unificados, espa�os que ofertam servi�os culturais, de esporte e assist�ncia social,
em locais como Resende (RJ),
ainda est�o sendo definidos.
Principal alvo de ataques do governo Bolsonaro na �rea cultural, a Rouanet atingiu o pico de propostas apresentadas: 12.265, das quais 10.676 j� receberam o aval para a capta��o de recursos via incentivo fiscal. O valor total que os respons�veis pelos projetos poder�o buscar com os patrocinadores � de R$ 16,7 bilh�es. At� 19 de dezembro, o montante j� efetivamente captado foi de US$ 1,2 bilh�o, e o governo projeta
Rouanet. No ano passado, a quantia chegou a R$ 2,1 bilh�es.
Na Lei Paulo Gustavo, h� projetos em andamento em todos os estados e em 98,5% dos munic�pios. Em 2023, segundo o minist�rio, foram R R
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Mesmo com a grande e grande crise financeira que o Brasil atravessa,
ades�o, a execu��o da Paulo Gustavo enfrentou problemas em diferentes estados e munic�pios e d�vidas em rela��o �yapokeraplica��o, como os limites fiscais dos Microempreendedores Individuais (MEIs). A pedido de gestores de cultura municipais e estaduais, o governo sancionou este m�s uma lei complementar que prorroga a Execu��o dos recursos at� 31 de dezembro de 2024.
J� pela Lei Aldir Blanc foram R$ 3 bilh�es desembolsados este ano � englobando todos os estados.com� Conseguimos retomar todas
culturais este ano. O que fica para 2024 � uma agenda legislativa intensa porque a gente precisa qualificar essas pol�ticas � resume Tavares.
A atua��o legislativa citada pelo secret�rio vai buscar ainda a regulamenta��o do Sistema Nacional de Cultura, a aprova��o do Marco do Fomento Cultural e o encaminhamento de iniciativas mais espec�ficas, como medidas que visam reduzir o pre�o dos livros, outro pedido de Lula.?
Para Eduardo Barata, presidente da APTR (Associa��o dos Produtores de Teatro), o primeiro
O primeiro pedido
ano da gest�o foi de reconstru��o, depois da �destrui��o� dos anos Bolsonaro. Mas, ele aponta que ainda h� muito a aprimorar.
� Em rela��o � Rouanet, ainda � preciso desburocratizar muito, o que ajudaria na democratiza��o do acesso e descentraliza��o. O governo pode utilizar o Fundo Nacional de Cultura como uma ferramenta de pol�tica p�blica, para que n�o fique tudo t�o centrado no mecenato.O governo tamb�m pode usar o meceneato como um instrumento de
focada no setor, o deputado federal Mario Frias (PL-SP) critica os crit�rios para a destina��o das verbas:
� H�, mais uma vez, a centraliza��o para Sul e Sudeste. O Norte recebe muito pouco, por exemplo.
A centralizar dos investimentos � uma das cr�ticas � lei desde que ela foi implementada, em 1991. Na tentativa de contornar o problema, os minist�rios lan�ou em 2023 um edital espec�fico para o minist�rio lan�ou no ano passado, com capital de
proporcional, ent�o v�o continuar tendo participa��o grande. Nosso interesse n�o � diminuir os recursos para essas �reas, mas aumentar o bolo e distribuir melhor as verbas sem desabastecer os projetos importantes que j� s�o fomentados � diz Tavares.
O ano termina com novidades no setor do audiovisual, com a aprova��o, no Senado, na �ltima ter�a-feira, da cota de tela para exibi��o de filmes brasileiros em cinemas. A medida ter� validade at� 2033, e ainda aguarda a san��o do
semestre foi de organiza��o para o MinC, de arrumar a casa. J� o audiovisual vinha combalido de uma pandemia e uma gest�o desastrosa, o que fortaleceu a uni�o em torno desses objetivos comuns � observa Leonardo Edde, presidente do Sindicato da Ind�stria Audiovisual. � Conseguimos a libera��o dos recursos do Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual (FSA), que estavam contingenciados, via Lei Paulo Gustavo, e, agora, a aprova��o das cotas. E com vota��es expressivas e apoio de
Casada com o prefeito Rui Filho, influenciadora trouxe � tona revela��es envolvendo homens famosos
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Elas foram localizadas na Avenida Brasil e levadas para o Conselho Tutelar de Campo Grande, na Zona Oeste da capital
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dombo poker yapokerWe're back again with a lightning fast tool that lets you calculate the odds in poker.
With our Poker Odds Calculator you can set up different poker scenarios and then with a
push of a button, calculate the probability. Try calculating the poker hand odds or
check our step-by-step guide on how to use the Poker Odds Calculator down below. If
you're looking for a tool to find out which poker hand wins in any pot, check out our
Which Poker Hand Wins Calculator .
How to Use the Poker Odds Calculator
Pick the poker
variation you're playing in the top drop-down menu and the number of players in the
hand (you can add in up to five players). Odds are available for: Texas Holdem, Omaha,
Omaha Hi-Lo, 7-Card Stud, 7-Card Stud Hi-Lo and Razz.
To enter each player's hand,
click on the respective suit in the center of the wheel and then the desired value of
the card. For example: If you want the King of Diamonds in Player 1's hand, click on
the Diamond, then the K. Repeat for each card in each player's pre-flop hand.
those are set proceed in the same manner to fill in the flop and turn cards. When all
the cards are entered properly click "Get Odds" and you'll see exactly what each
player's odds are to win, tie or lose the hand at that moment. Repeat as needed! (Click
the reset button to clear the current hands/odds.)
Poker Hand Odds Charts
Below find a
couple helpful poker hand odds charts for some very common probabilities and scenarios
you'll come across at the poker table.
The chart on the left walks you through your %
chance of improvement on the flop and turn with some common made hands or draws. The
chart on the right explains which hand is more likely to win in some common hand v.
hand scenarios.
Play poker often enough and these percentages/ratios will become second
nature and you'll more than likely not even need to look at these charts anymore!
an in-depth look at your poker hand odds pre-flop and in several very common poker hand
scenarios, see our Beginners Equity Guide to Standard Situations in No-Limit
If you'd really like to dig into all of the long shot odds in poker (quads vs.
quad anyone?), check out our Long Shot Poker Odds article.
Probability to Improve After
Straight/Flush/Pair 21 72.32% 47.73% Open ended straight flush draw Straight/Flush 15
54.10% 32.60% Inside straight Straight/One Pair 10 38.40% 21.70% Four flush Flush 9 35%
19.60% Open ended straight draw Straight 8 31.50% 17.40% Three of a kind Full House 7
27.80% 15.20% Unmatched pocket cards One Pair 6 24.10% 13% One Pair Two pair/Three of a
kind 5 20.40% 10.90% Two pair Full House 4 16.50% 8.70% Inside straight Straight 4
16.50% 8.70% One Pair Two pair 3 12.50% 6.50% Pocket pair Three of a kind 2 8.40% 4.30%
Three of a kind Four of a kind 1 4.30% 2.20%
Common All-in Hand Match Ups
AK vs 22 22 wins 51% AK vs KQ AK wins 73% AK vs AA AA wins 87% AK vs KK KK wins 66% AQ
vs KQ AQ wins 70% AQ vs QJ AQ wins 70% AQ vs KJ AQ wins 60% AT vs KQ AT wins 58% AA vs
KK AA wins 80% AA vs 22 AA wins 80% AA vs 76 suited AA wins 77% A2 vs JT A2 wins 55% KK
vs K2 KK wins 94%
What Is a "Flip"
If you've watched or played poker for any length of
time you'll be well familiar with the term "coin flip." If you're an amateur player and
wondering why there's so much talk of it it's because it's a very, very common
situation in poker tournaments big and small.
Two players are all in pre-flop, hands on
their backs. As you might have guess, both hands are basically even odds to win - ie
50/50, or that of a coin flip.
The most common "flip" situation you'll see (or more
likely be in) is the classic pair vs. two overcards. Eg AK vs 99 or AJ vs 77. This
works for any pair and overcards (even 22 vs 34, for example).
Truthfully the odds
aren't *exactly* 50/50 in these scenarios but they are close enough that they are
considered a coin flip. The "made" hand, however, - ie the pair - usually a slight
advantage pre-flop.
In the case of a low pair versus well-coordinated overcards,
though, like 22 vs JT, the JT actually has the slight advantage,
As the board plays out
those hand odds change, obviously. If you'd like to see how the get altered try
punching some scenarios into the poker odds calculator above.
More on Calculating Poker
Hand Odds
Good poker, at its heart, is a mathematical game now and the quicker and more
accurately you can calculate proper poker odds in real time, the more empowered you can
be to make good decisions at the poker table.
Knowing your odds of winning at any point
in a hand is a good base of understanding but poker is a game of incomplete information
and you won't have access to your opponent's actual hand to make your decisions.
good poker players do is go through a systematic thought process throughout the hand to
figure out what the most likely hands they are facing in any circumstance.
This is
called "Putting Your Opponent on a Range" and is a critical stepping stone in taking
your game to the next level. Once you have determined by process of elimination what
your opponent's hand might be you can then apply your poker hand odd knowledge more
There are also Poker Hand Range Calculators available online that can help
you do this.
Pot Odds, Implied Odds and More
Poker players also need to take into
consideration a few other sets of odds to understand where they are in a
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In poker, a PKO (Progressive Knockout) tournament is a type of tournament where a portion of the buy-in goes toward a bounty on each player�s head.
In PKO tournaments, when a player eliminates another player, they typically receive a cash prize for half of the eliminated player�s bounty. The remaining half of the bounty is added to their own head for other players to try to claim. When two or more players win in a split pot the bounty is divided equally across all winners. Note, some sites such as Pokerstars run PKO tournaments where ? or even the full prize pool are dedicated to bounty prizes. For the purposes of this article, we will only be looking at the standard 50% bounty prize pool.
The effects of bounties create an added layer of strategy! PKO tournaments tend to have more action as players are incentivized to knock out their opponents to earn bounties rather than just trying to survive and advance in the tournament. This format also encourages players with a chip advantage to play aggressively against shorter stacks as they can earn additional EV outside of the chips in play.
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What is a Poker Odds Calculator?
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced veteran, a poker odds calculator can be a valuable tool for poker players. It can help you make more informed decisions during a hand by calculating the odds of various outcomes.
So, if you've ever been playing on your favorite online poker site and given (or even taken) a bad beat and wondered, "What are the odds?", our state-of-the-art Poker Odds Calculator will help you figure out just that. The Poker Odds Calculator will help you calculate your chances on a given hand, in any situation.
How does the Poker Odds Calculator work?
Poker odds calculators typically use algorithms and pre-defined probabilities to estimate the likelihood of certain events occurring in a poker hand. The odds calculator, and the math that goes behind it, can analyze the current state of the game, your hand, and the potential opponent's hands to provide you with odds and recommendations.
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